about me !
I'm Sonya Richardson. Author, Speaker, & Ministry Transformation Coach.

I am an author, minister, and spiritual gifts enthusiast who delights in steering believers in their quests to cultivate their gifts and natural talents. In addition to my literary work, I've designed a unique system that offers insight into the spiritual gifts of Romans 12 and how these gifts impact a believer’s purpose, passion, and personality. My ministry model centers on equipping believers to advance in ministry in their local church and communities.
I can still hear echoes from the teenage girl who grew up in the bayou state of Louisiana. It was there in a friendly Southern town, notorious for its pervasive creole culture, that I developed a passion for reaching and teaching my circle of influence.
Reaching – this involved the teen version of myself, leading in the demonstration of compassion and empathy. I often extended a listening ear to those who approached me with problems, issues, and concerns. My high school yearbook contains numerous comments from classmates expressing their gratitude to me for listening, caring, and sharing. Today, I am still reaching the least, the last, and the lost by extending the love of Christ to all that I encounter.
I am a listener and an encourager.

Me and my husband of 30+ years, Pastor Gilbert G. Richardson, Sr.

Teaching – this involves modeling and instructing others in an impacting way. Even as a young child, I was intrigued with absorbing and learning new information. My passion for attaining knowledge and making the necessary applications was quite evident. During my early years, I sensed the presence of the spiritual gifts of teaching, encouragement, and leadership. Over time, I have prayerfully nurtured and cultivated these gifts. My literary work, “The Designer’s Eyewear”, reflects my knack for teaching and expounding the Word of God.
I am an effective communicator who approaches my area of expertise through the lens of simplification. I am recognized for my exceptional skills in simplifying topics such as spiritual gifts, perceived as complex, and communicating information in a way that one can easily comprehend.
Here are a few ways that I can help you delve deeper into the process of discovering your spiritual gifts:
I can be contacted directly through my Facebook and Instagram pages. You can also contact me here. I look forward to helping you throughout this journey.